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What is FSSAI?

What is FSSAI?

FSSAI stands for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India which is
an organization that governs and monitors the food business in India. It is
a kind of self-ruling framework established under the Ministry of Health
& Family Welfare, Government of India.
The FSSAI has been established under the Food Safety and Standards
Act, 2006 which is a federate statute associated with food safety and
regulations in India. It is reliable for the registering and licensing of the
Food Business Operators (FBO) in India and puts down the rules and
regulations for running the food business in India.

Types of FSSAI:-

As a food business owner in India, one will need to have a food license. There are three types of FSSAI that depend upon the type and size of the food business and its total annual turnover as well.

Basic registration

When the annual turnover of the business is less than 12 Lakhs then the food business operator must get registered with Registration Form A.

The types of FSSAI License are:-

  • FSSAI Basic License
  • FSSAI State License
  • FSSAI Central License
Basic registration

When the annual turnover of the business is less than 12 Lakhs then the food business operator must get registered with Registration Form A.

Basic registration:- When the annual turnover of the business is less than 12 Lakhs then the food business operator must get registered with Registration Form .

State license:- If the annual turnover of the business is between 12 Lakhs to 20 crores, then the food business operator shall be applied for central license Form B.

Benefits of FSSAI:-

Some of the entrepreneurs see the importance of the FSSAI license as to how the license can be used as an effective tool in order to boost their business. One can also modify the FSSAI food license. You can use FSSAI license in the following ways”-

Consumer awareness:- In this modern era, consumers have become more alert and informative about the quality of the food which they eat on a regular basis. With the various food options, people are required to know what they are consuming is not just safe but also is of good quality.

Legal advantage:- Most of the businesses found getting an FSSAI license as an expensive activity, time-consuming, and an inconvenient
process of documentation, hence they try to avoid getting the license. But
in reality, the process is not so complicated and there are lots of
consultancies that can help you to get the license with ease. The actual
cost which is required in order to obtain the license is less than what you
will have to pay for it as the penalties.

Using the FSSAI Logo:- Once you have the license, you are undoubtedly using the FSSAI logo in your menu cards and also on the pamphlets in order to publicize your food’s superior quality over others. This moreover gives you an edge over the various food operators who are not having a food license. All your packages of food are required to have a food license. The logo is seen as the symbol of validity and also for assurance by the consumers. Hence the selective customers want to consume food products specifically those who are having the license.

Business expansion:- When the time comes for your business to expand in other areas or outlets, you can easily do so with the use of your
FSSAI License. The license will help you to establish your good reputation and also qualification to grow your business in the new
direction with ease. However, with a license, it will be easier for you to
get bank loans and funding which is essential for expansion

Basic FSSAI Registration :

Documents Required for Basic FSSAI Registration

Documents required for basic registration certificate:

FSSAI License - For Traders

Documents required for FSSAI License - For Manufacturer/Exporter

Registration Process of FSSAI:-

FSSAI License or registration relies upon the capacity or turnover that a candidate premises is qualified for the license which can be central license, state license, registration, railways, and so on. The given is the strategy of FSSAI Registration:-

Step 1:- Application Filing

It begins with the submission of Form A (application) to the food and safety department.

Step 2:- Department check

The department might accept or reject the application within 7 days from the application date .

Step 3:- Certificate/License issued

If the application gets accepted, the department will grant the registration number with the photograph of an applicant

Step 4:- Display the Certificate

Noticeably, FBO should show the certificate of registration at the place of business during business hours

Eligibility of Central FSSAI:-

The mentioned units can attain central FSSAI License:-

Vegetable oil processing units and units that manufacture vegetable oil by the process of solvent extraction and refineries that include oil expeller units.

The dairy unit includes milk chilling units equipped to handle, manage, and control the process.

Slaughtering units

Food processing units include relabelled and repackers.

Proprietary foods

100% export-oriented units.

A Complete Guidance of FSSAI Registration Online

If you are a manufacturer, trader of food packages, or restaurant business, or an entrepreneur, getting the 14-digit FSSAI registration number is essential for you. In case you are manufacturing, packaging, and distributing food, it is mandatory to print the FSSAI license number on your food packages.
By joining hands with EntrepreneurCell you will get the FSSAI license in just four simple steps which are as follows:-

Full-on support in selecting the food license types

Verification of all your FSSAI registration documents

Filled-up your online FSSAI application

Procurement of FSSAI food license

Frequently Asked Questions

A. The validity of the issued license is for 1 to 5 years, so the business should apply for the license renewal 30 days in advance before the expiry of the current license.

A. Yes, FSSAI license is essential for running a food business in India.
All the FOBs should obtain a 14 digit license number which is printed on their food products.

A. There are 3 different categories of FSSAI/ Food License, depending upon the turnover of the Food Business Operator are as follows:-
    • FSSAI Basic License
    • FSSAI State License
    • FSSAI Central License
A. Yes to need apply for a central License for importing or exporting any food Item.

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